5 Pro tips to boost Survey Response rate

Apr 15, 2023

~4 min read

5 Pro tips to boost Survey Response rate
5 Pro tips to boost Survey Response rate
5 Pro tips to boost Survey Response rate

At last, you have spent hours editing and polishing your fast, cool, and creative Surveys. You've put effort and soul into it. At the end, you bump into a glass wall. Your favorite Surveys simply don't involve users as it supposed... and have a low Survey Response Rate (RR).

MetaSurvey team has developed a set of simple but essential tips on how to tune up your Survey to be more involved and make higher RR. They work best when applied together.

Here are 5 Pro tips:

1. Segment your audience

Whatever channel you use (email, on-site, social network) — segment your audience. Choose different questions and tone for each user group. For example, you can create two different Surveys for male and female audiences.

2. Talk the language of your users

As a business, startup, or social group leader, try to know your audience better. What they do (don't) love, what topics do they discuss, what are their hobbies. Choose audience type - general, knowledgeable, or expert. Select formality - formal or informal. Finally, choose the correct tone: respectful, neutral, friendly, optimistic, or analytical.

3. Try Swipe Reply question type

Swipe Reply questions provide the most joyful and engaging user experience. This makes taking a Survey fun and improves the Response rate. Swipe Reply was initially introduced by Tinder. It is MetaSurvey's unique feature ;)

4. Give a shoutout to your users

At the end, follow up with respondents with a warm message, using the Custom Goodbye text feature. Everybody likes to be thanked. Giving a few words of gratitude to your respondents increases brand/person trust and improves the chance users will take your Surveys in the future.

5. Make it short and simple

Users don`t like to read much. Neither, they will not take a 40-step 10-minute Survey. Even if they love your product or community. Making just three to four short questions will give valuable feedback and the Response Rate will grow.

We believe, that implementing all these recommendations will make the audience more involved. It also boosts the Survey Response Rate!


  • Try to segment your audience

  • Choose the right language for your audience

  • Swipe Reply questions work best

  • Shoutout to users at the end

  • Make the survey short and simple

We hope you will create your high-conversion and engaging Survey!

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